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The Lens

Beach & Watersport in South America

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Tayrona Park - Cabo San Juan and Playa Cristal, Caribbean Coast in Colombia, from above
Cartagena de Indias, Costa Caribe, Colombia
Santa Cruz del Islote and the San Bernardo islands, Colombia
Providencia Island: Diving with sharks
Archipelago of San Bernardo, Mucura, el Islote, Tintipan, Colombia
The wonders of the Tayrona Park, Santa Marta, Colombia
Surfing with Whales on the Pacific Coast in Colombia
El Choco from Bahia Solano to Nuqui, Pacific Coast in Colombia
La Guajira Cabo de la Vela, Macuira Park and Punta Gallinas in Colombia
Galapagos Adventures!
Rio Serrano - Sea Kayaking in Patagonia
Kleintours New Adventure Journeys